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Galapagos Islands Photo Gallery - Day 8 Black Turtle Cove and Baltra

In August 2007 we traveled to Quito, Ecuador, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, and the Galapagos Islands

Galapagos 8-1-01 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Blue-footed Boobies Before breakfast we took pangas to Black Turtle Cove, a red mangrove swamp on the north shore of Santa Cruz. Many blue-footed boobies were sitting on the rocky shore as we sailed by.

Galapagos 8-1-01 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Blue-footed Boobies

Galapagos 8-1-02 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Blue-footed Boobies Diving Soon the blue-footed boobies left the rocks and hunted for breakfast. Boobies are plunge divers and their dive is spectacular. When they spot fish, they power dive into the water, folding their wings back only at the last minute. After disappearing for a few seconds, they bob up to the surface.

Galapagos 8-1-02 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Blue-footed Boobies Diving

Galapagos 8-1-03 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Great Blue Heron We see a great blue heron standing motionless on a lava rock on the shore of Black Turtle Cove waiting for an opportunity to grasp a passing fish with its bill.

Galapagos 8-1-03 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Great Blue Heron

Galapagos 8-1-04 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove We cut the panga motors and Johnny quietly rowed as we entered the inner portion of the mangrove.

Galapagos 8-1-04 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove

Galapagos 8-1-05 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Floating As we slowly floated In Black Turtle Cove, we saw some sharks and some rays.

Galapagos 8-1-05 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Floating

Galapagos 8-1-06 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Turtle A few turtles swam by our panga, coming to the surface for air.

Galapagos 8-1-06 Santa Cruz Black Turtle Cove Turtle

Galapagos 8-1-07 Baltra Airport We took the pangas back to the Eden and had breakfast as we sailed to the Aeolean Bay. We took the pangas for the last time back to the dock on Baltra, boarded the bus and went to the airport. Behind the airplane is Daphne Major.

Galapagos 8-1-07 Baltra Airport