Kangchenjunga Other Books

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10A 3x8000 Mein grosses Himalaja-Jahr book cover - Reinhold Messner With Prayer Flags **** by Reinhold Messner. Published 1983. This photographic book with text in German details Messner's ascents of Kangchenjunga (May 6, 1982), Gasherbrum II…
10B 3x8000 Mein grosses Himalaja-Jahr - Reinhold Messner Climbing Icewall The chapter on Kangchenjunga is 35 pages long with 27 pages of colour photos and 8 pages of text with 18 b/w photos.On May 6, 1982 Messner and Friedl…
10C 3x8000 Mein grosses Himalaja-Jahr - Reinhold Messner and Friedl Mutschlechner Next To Kangchenjunga Summit May 6, 1982
11A Kangchenjunga Imaging A Himalayan Mountain book cover - Kangchenjunga From Sandakphu *** by Simon Pierse. Published 2005. This book was created as a catalogue to accompany an exhibition of 56 paintings, prints and photographs of Kangchenjunga,…
11B Kangchenjunga Imaging A Himalayan Mountain - Kinchinjunga From Darjeeling, 1879, Edward Lear The book features brief summaries of explorers like Joseph Hooker 1848-9 and Douglas Freshfield and Vittorio Sella 1899; painters like Edward Lear and Marianne…
11C Kangchenjunga Imaging A Himalayan Mountain - Doug Scott On Kangchenjunga Summit May 15, 1979 There are 18 very good colour and 41 b/w images and photos, including many from the 1800s and early-to-mid 1900s. I especially liked the paintings. The text is…
12A Climbing The Worlds 14 Highest Mountains book cover - Ridge To Shishapangma Central Summit ***** by Richard Sale, John Cleare ((Photographer). Published 2000. Highly recommended! The book details the exploration, first ascent, and other major ascents…
12B Climbing The Worlds 14 Highest Mountains - Kangchenjunga Northwest Face Above Pangpema
12C Climbing The Worlds 14 Highest Mountains - Kangchenjunga Southwest Face At Sunset
13A Doug Scott Himalayan Climber book cover ***** by Doug Scott. Published 1997. Scott details his many climbs over the years. The photos are spectacular.
13B Doug Scott Himalayan Climber - Kangchenjunga Upper Slopes May 15, 1979 Scott dedicates 18 pages to the May 15, 1979 impressive first ascent of the Kangchenjunga North Ridge with Joe Tasker and Pete Boardman.
13C Doug Scott Himalayan Climber - Pete Boardman and Joe Tasker Next To Kangchenjunga Summit May 15, 1979
14A Over the Himalaya book cover - Dhaulagiri South Face ***** by Koichiro Ohmori. Published 1998. This book features 44 spectacular 2-page aerial photos of Kangchenjunga, Makalu, Everest and Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Manaslu,…
14B Over the Himalaya - Kangchenjunga Southwest Face above Yalung Glacier There are six 2-page photos of the Kangchenjunga region - three of Kangchenjunga, two of Jannu, and one of Jongsang Peak.
14C Over the Himalaya - Jannu Southwest Face above Yamatari Glacier
15A 8000 Metri Di Vita 8000 Metres To Live For back cover - Kangchenjunga East Face ***** by Simone Moro. Published 2008. In Italian and English. This coffee-table size book features excellent photos from all 14 8000m peaks. Each 8000m peak has…
15B 8000 Metri Di Vita 8000 Metres To Live For - Kangchenjunga West Face There are 13 pages on Kangchenjunga. Simone Moro's attempt on Kangchenjunga in 1995 was stopped at 7600m. The expedition found the body of Wanda Rutkiewicz who…
16A All Fourteen 8000ers book cover - Kangchenjunga Northeast Ridge **** by Reinhold Messner. Published 1999. Messner briefly details his ascents of all 14 8000m peaks, documented with his photos. He also includes route diagrams…
16B All Fourteen 8000ers - Reinhold Messner and Friedl Mutschlechner Next To Kangchenjunga Summit May 6, 1982 On May 6, 1982 Messner and Friedl Mutschlechner completed the 10th ascent of Kangchenjunga, climbing a variation of the north flank route partly in alpine…
16C All Fourteen 8000ers - Critically Ill Reinhold Messner Descending Kangchenjunga North Face
17A Himalaya Alpine Style book cover - Kangchenjunga Southwest Face from Jannu **** by Andy Fanshawe, Stephen Venables. Published 1996. This book briefly details 40 of the world's finest climbs on mountains incl Broad Peak, K2, Nanga…
17B Himalaya Alpine Style - Kangchenjunga North Face There are 5 pages on Kangchenjunga North-West Face/North Ridge, and 7 pages of Jannu South-East Ridge.
17C Himalaya Alpine Style - Jannu North Face, Sobithonge and Phole
18A World Mountaineering book cover - Matterhorn Summit Ridge **** by Audrey Salkeld. Publised 1998. The book briefly details 52 of the world's finest climbs, including Kangchenjunga, documented with photos, excellent…
18B World Mountaineering - Peter Boardman and Joe Tasker Resting At The Pinnacles Just Below The Kangchenjunga Summit May 15, 1979
19A Himalayan Quest Ed Viesturs on the 8,000-Meter Giants book cover - Ed Viesturs Near Manaslu Summit April 22, 1999 **** photographs by Ed Viesturs, text with Peter Potterfield. Released in early 2003, this book presents excellent photos with some basic text of Viestur's…
19B Himalayan Quest Ed Viesturs on the 8,000-Meter Giants - Kangchenjunga West Summit At Sunrise
19C Himalayan Quest Ed Viesturs on the 8,000-Meter Giants - Next To Kangchenjunga Summit May 21, 1989 - Craig Van Hoy Belays Phil Erschler Ed Viesturs, Craig Van Hoy, and Phil Erschler reached the summit of Kangchenjunga via the Northwest face on May 21, 1989. There are 10 pages on Kangchenjunga.…
20A Wanda Rutkiewicz A Caravan of Dreams book cover - Camp 2 on Gasherbrum II *** by Gertrude Reinisch. Published in English in 2000. This book traces Wanda's climbs from the first ascent of 7952m Gasherbrum III in 1975 to her death on…
20B Wanda Rutkiewicz A Caravan Of Dreams - Kangchenjunga ABC At The Foot Of The North Wall The book documents her Yalung Kang winter 1988/89 attempt, and Kangchenjunga attempts in 1991 and 1992. Wanda Rutkiewicz died May 12 or 13, 1992 on…
20C Wanda Rutkiewicz A Caravan Of Dreams - Wanda Rutkiewicz On Kangchenjunga 1992 Wanda returned to Kangchenjunga on an expedition led by Carlo Carsolio in March 1992. Carlos Carsolio:
20D Wanda Rutkiewicz A Caravan Of Dreams - Wanda Rutkiewicz In Her High Camp On Kangchenjunga May 1992 Carlos Carsolio:
20E Wanda Rutkiewicz A Caravan Of Dreams - Wanda Rutkiewicz At Her High Camp In The Shelter Of An Ice Cleft On Kangchenjunga May 1992
21A The Big Walls book cover - Hans Kammerlander Climbs Upper Seracs on Annapurna Northwest Face **** by Reinhold Messner. Revised in 2001. Messner briefly details the big mountain walls in the world in the Himalayas, the Karakorum, the Alps, South America,…
21B The Big Walls - Kangchenjunga North Face The book includes a photo of Kangchenjunga and Jannu, two pages on Kangchenjunga's North Face, two pages on Kangchenjunga's South Summit / Southwest Buttress,…
21C The Big Walls - Jannu East Face
22A Los 14 Ochomiles de Juanito Oiarzabal book cover **** by Kiko Betelu. Published 1999. Text in Spanish. Spaniard Juanito Oiarzabal became the sixth mountaineer to summit all 14 8000m peaks when he reached the…
22B Los 14 Ochomiles de Juanito Oiarzabal Kangchenjunga Near The Summit A 12-page chapter with 6 colour photos and 4 b/w photos describes Oiarzabal's ascent of Kangchenjunga via the North Face on May 6, 1996, on his third attempt.
23A Hall and Ball book cover - Rob Hall and Gary Ball AFter Their First Guided Ascent Of Everest 1992 *** by Colin Monteath. Published 1997.
23B Hall and Ball - Gary Ball At Start Of Kangchenjunga North Face Rock Wall The chapter on Kangchenjunga is 10 pages with some great photos. Gary was part of a 4-person team to attempt the 1980 Japanese route, reaching a high point of…